Anxiety is not being able to open your mail for a month at a time and storing it in a drawer hoping it will go away. I know there is nothing horrible in there, a few small bills and some paperwork for MediCal and Medicare. But that's not the point at all. I've gotten stuck in a anxiety and panic spiral that won't let me loose.
I think that I'll be able to break out today though, because I managed to take out the pile of stuff that needs to be dealt with and put it on my desk for long enough to take a picture of it and then put it back in it's drawer.
Now that I'm writing about it here I feel like I will be able to deal with it. I've used some pretty silly excuses over the last several weeks for not opening it, but mostly it's just been the sense doom and panic if I even thought about it. Today that doom and panic is merely low level dread, so I think I'll manage it. I'll let y'all know if I succeed. :-)
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