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On Holy Communion

Given and shed for you for the remission of sins

Next in Luther’s SMALL CATECHISM, the Sacrament of the Altar:


What is the Sacrament of the Altar?

The Sacrament of the Altar is the true body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, under the bread and wine, instituted by Christ himself, for us Christians to eat and to drink.

Where is this written?

The holy evangelists Matthew, Mark, Luke, together with St. Paul, write thus: “Our Lord Jesus Christ, the same night in which He was betrayed, took bread; and when He had given thanks, He broke it and gave it to His disciples, saying, ‘Take, eat; this is My body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of Me.’ In the same way also He took the cup after supper, gave thanks and gave it to them, saying, ‘Drink from it all of you; this cup is the New Testament in My blood, which is shed for you for the remission of sins. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me.’”


What benefit do we receive from such eating and drinking?

The benefit which we receive from such eating and drinking is shown us by these words: “Given and shed for you for the remission of sins,” namely, that in the Sacrament forgiveness of sins, life and salvation are given us through these words. For where there is forgiveness of sins, there is also life and salvation.


How can bodily eating and drinking do such great things?

It is not the eating and drinking that does this, but the words here written, “Given and shed for you for the remission of sins.” These words, along with the eating and drinking, are the main thing in the Sacrament; and whoever believes these words has exactly what they say, namely, the forgiveness of sins.


Who then receives this Sacrament worthily?

Fasting and bodily preparation are indeed a fine outward training; but he is truly worthy and well prepared who has faith in these words, “Given and shed for you for the remission of sins.” But he who does not believe these words, or doubts them, is unworthy and unprepared; for the words “for you” require truly believing hearts.

Some traditions call the sacraments “ordinances.” That is, they are considered LAWS, things you have to DO to obey God. You get baptized because God tells you to. You have communion because Jesus said to do this, so we will. Even Catholicism sees Holy Communion in terms of a law, of something the priest does–offering up Christ in an unbloody sacrifice–and what the communicants do to build up merit. Luther, though, sees the sacraments, both baptism and the Lord’s supper, as GOSPEL, as tangible means through which Christ comes to us bearing forgiveness and creating faith.

Some Christians object to the notion that physical things can bring such spiritual effects. Most of them, though, have a high view of the Bible. I like to point out that God’s Word too is something physical–a book, visible ink marks on paper, sound waves through the air that hit the eardrum–and thus, for Luther, sacramental.


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