Why we homeschool and why we DON'T need or want "regulation" or "oversight" or "testing" or even "help" for that matter...
I'm a grandfather who helps his daughter homeschool a wonderful little girl, I can vouch that, despite societal stereotypes of right-wing religious zealots, home schoolers are an exceptionally diverse group of people. Our reasons for homeschooling are equally diverse. The one thing that we all have in common is a deep love for our children and an environment that allows our children to flourish and grow into high-quality, literate, socially responsible and productive adults. One of the key reasons that home schooling is so successful is that we are largely unregulated. Our children have the ability to learn at their own pace, in a very flexible environment. Each family's needs are different. My granddaughter was failing in a traditional public school. Some home schooling families have children with "special" needs. We have all found that a one-size fits all approach fails our children. In this regard, a one-size fits all approach to standardizing and "testing" home schooling will fail our home schooling families. Home schooling needs to remain a legal and unregulated option.
(Shamelessly plagiarized from a letter to the editor suggestion by a homeschooling mom on the HSC mailing list.)
(Shamelessly plagiarized from a letter to the editor suggestion by a homeschooling mom on the HSC mailing list.)
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