How did I save over $500 today you ask? I stopped and thought about what I was about to do and didn't spend it :-) Hey, for me that is a big deal. My computer, the very one I'm writing this blog post on, is slowly dying, it's old and worn out, the "comma" key is broken, the "insert" key is broken, the battery is dead and it only works off of AC right now. It's heavy and sort of clunky and slow. When it had to be rebooted this morning when I was about to use it I said out loud "I should just go get me an iPad!" So I checked my account and the cash is on hand to do that, and still, barely, pay the rent at the end of the month. Of course I'd need to put off some debts I owe and I'd need to really scrape to manage rent and BART tickets the rest of the month after that... but I'd have a really cool new iPad! Oooh. So, after briefly considering getting a cheap netbook computer for around $200 I decided to jump into my car, y...