In case anyone wonders, yes, I do know that the maker of that video below is associated with the "Church" of Scientology. No, I don't believe anything they put out positively, ie all that "clearing" and Xenu and reincarnation and engrams and all the rest of the blatantly fraudulent WOO that L. Ron Hubbard spewed. Yet, even a stopped clock is right twice a day and labeling kids is clearly a huge scam perpetrated by the drug industry to sell drugs and the government schools to force submission by kids who, being normal active children, fail to sit and obey the every whim of an increasingly intolerant (ZERO TOLERANCE, NO TOUCHING, NO ANYTHING!, see Free Range Kids for details on how this plays out) school system by drugging them into oblivion. <Sigh>
I would boycott NBC, if I ever watched it that is. I actually never watch anything on the old line networks, NBC, CBS, ABC, FOX. Everything I watch is on the cable only stations... do they still broadcast over the air? Ah well, this story is about the fact that it seems NBC refused to air an ad put together by some Catholic outfit that features an embryo and all of the hardships it faced in early life ending up with the revelation that they were talking about Obama. Here is the ad , check it out and see how unoffensive it is. Like I said, if I watched them I'd quit now. :-/
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