Gee Whiz, I called Obama a "corporate whore" before he was elected. I called him that because it accurately describes him, and nearly every other politician. Everyone knows "whore" has a wider meaning than just low level sex workers, it also includes really offensive people like politicians & lobbyists. If you want to know where the power is in America just follow the money, when you do that you'll realize that "whores" describes pretty much the entire legislative, judicial and most especially executive branches of the DC Mafia. Heck, PJ O'Rourke called them that years ago and got a best seller out of it!
Now we have hypocritical right wing spew condemning the use of the word just because it was uttered by a Democrat. A new low even by these dweebs. Pathetic losers all.
You would think in a country where people swear, cuss, deride others, gossip, slander, lie, cheat and steal on a daily basis - that someone referring to another person in a “derogatory” way would not make national news. ...
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