...Simon Conway-Morris, the renowned paleontologist at Cambridge University, is just one scientist who argues that religion and science are completely compatible.
The British professor believes evolution isn't as accidental or random as one might suspect. In his opinion, if evolution began all over again, human intelligence would develop pretty much in the same way as it has. Conway-Morris emphasizes that developments happen as a result of pre-existing conditions, such as the need for blood cells to have hemoglobin in order to transport oxygen. Evolution, therefore, works only because it plays out within a certain set of rules.
Evolution "is after all only a mechanism, but if evolution is predictive, indeed possesses a logic, then evidently it is being governed by deeper principles," he recently wrote. "Come to think about it so are all sciences; why should Darwinism be any exception...?"
...the proportion of Christians among the science faculty in certain departments at Oxford and Cambridge universities -- such as the Earth Sciences Department in Cambridge or the Physics Department in Oxford -- appears higher than the national average, says Denis Alexander, director of the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion, an academic research enterprise based at Cambridge.
"There are generally more Christians in the sciences than in the humanities," he said.
So, mushy headed post modernist English profs are atheists while geologists and physicists are Christians, I find that pretty interesting :-)
Finding Common Ground - Science and the Sacred
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The British professor believes evolution isn't as accidental or random as one might suspect. In his opinion, if evolution began all over again, human intelligence would develop pretty much in the same way as it has. Conway-Morris emphasizes that developments happen as a result of pre-existing conditions, such as the need for blood cells to have hemoglobin in order to transport oxygen. Evolution, therefore, works only because it plays out within a certain set of rules.
Evolution "is after all only a mechanism, but if evolution is predictive, indeed possesses a logic, then evidently it is being governed by deeper principles," he recently wrote. "Come to think about it so are all sciences; why should Darwinism be any exception...?"
...the proportion of Christians among the science faculty in certain departments at Oxford and Cambridge universities -- such as the Earth Sciences Department in Cambridge or the Physics Department in Oxford -- appears higher than the national average, says Denis Alexander, director of the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion, an academic research enterprise based at Cambridge.
"There are generally more Christians in the sciences than in the humanities," he said.
So, mushy headed post modernist English profs are atheists while geologists and physicists are Christians, I find that pretty interesting :-)
Finding Common Ground - Science and the Sacred
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