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Showing posts from February, 2010

Treasury Error

As I read on into the Writing for the day, which was from Martin Luther today, it became clear that the error is more important than I had at first thought.  With Genesis 14 in place of 15 the writing for the day is totally out of place, since he is actually commenting on the fact that Genesis 15 gives an early example of righteousness being by faith.  "Here (Genesis 15:6), in the most appropriate place, the Holy Spirit wanted to set forth expressly and clearly the statement that righteousness is nothing else than believing God when He makes a promise."   Which just doesn't get expressed in Genesis 14, which talks about Abram rescuing Lot and about Melchizidek.  Which is all good and interesting but unrelated to the supposed point of the day.  Well, next year I'll see the note and not be bothered with it so much. Posted via email from The Angry Gnome

Error in TDP

This morning, Saturday Lent - 1, I was getting ready to read the Old Testament passage, which was supposed to be Genesis 15:1-21.  But when I started listening to the reading on Liturgy Geek , being a bit tired so I wanted to hear it as I read it, I was shocked to find out that the passage that was printed in Treasury of Daily Prayer and identified as Genesis 15 was actually Genesis 14:1-21. I suppose with modern cut and past editing that is an easy mistake to make, and it is the an accurate reproduction of Genesis 14, it's just not supposed to be the reading for the day.  I sent an email to Paul McCain at Concordia, I'm sure they already were aware of that but just in case they weren't I figured I'd let them know.  Ah well, nothing is perfect. Posted via email from The Angry Gnome

Report on BioLogos-Reasons To Believe Dialogue | The BioLogos Foundation

Home About Us The Questions Blog Projects News & Events Resources Contact The BioLogos Foundation � Science & the Sacred � Report on BioLogos-Reasons To Believe Dialogue Report on BioLogos-Reasons To Believe Dialogue February 25, 2010 Category: BioLogos Reflections Intoduction by Darrel Falk The BioLogos Foundation exists to help bring harmony between the Christian faith and science. Since BioLogos is an organization of Christians, this means that those who support it are members of a single Body, and by definition this includes people who do not all think about issues in exactly the same way. Jesus prayer for unity in John 17 is our prayer too. Hence, Paul%u2019s I Corinthians 12 and 13 description of how things are to work in the Body of Christ is our calling. Indeed, it is our mandate. With that in mind BioLogos sponsored the In Search of a Theolog...