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Showing posts from June, 2013

WARNING! May blurt out inappropriate comments at random times in conversation.

I have been asked from time to time "Why do you write so much in your journal?"  The simple answer is, it's how I think.  Without writing, or talking out loud to myself, I cannot clarify my thoughts enough to really be conscious.  I go through the day on auto-pilot and who knows what will happen then.  So I write, and I write and I write.  As the words come out I can see what they are and what they mean, I can see what I'm thinking.  Writing is better than talking to myself in most ways.  It's better because it doesn't make you look like a complete lunatic they way constantly muttering to yourself does, and because it leaves a concrete record I can consult later when I'm wondering what in the heck I was thinking when I made some decision.  Talking to myself is way faster though, mostly because I'm not all obsessed with spelling things correctly and having the words in the correct order.  When I write I have to stop and fix things on the pag...

Wish us luck in our newest adventure

Well now, we've been living in Ceres for a while, got the house all settled in, JD's been doing up the yard nicer and nicer, we know all of the neighbors finally, so, of course, we are going to move again. Mom and Lora both seem to really like Turlock.  They have their reasons, such as being close to church, nicer parks, etc.  Me?  My bedroom is on wheels dude.  It matters little where the family plants its several arses because I'll still be in the same "place" anyway.  I'm in my bedroom right now, before work, and I'm not in Ceres anyway.  :-) I'm going to prepare for this next move by completing my "minimizing" project.  It is my intent to dispose of everything that won't reasonably fit within my RV.  I have told the family they don't need to find a place with a separate room for me this time, 4 bedrooms will be plenty, as long as there is a place to park the RV close by.  I've also told them it's up to them to find a place...