I have been asked from time to time "Why do you write so much in your journal?" The simple answer is, it's how I think. Without writing, or talking out loud to myself, I cannot clarify my thoughts enough to really be conscious. I go through the day on auto-pilot and who knows what will happen then. So I write, and I write and I write. As the words come out I can see what they are and what they mean, I can see what I'm thinking. Writing is better than talking to myself in most ways. It's better because it doesn't make you look like a complete lunatic they way constantly muttering to yourself does, and because it leaves a concrete record I can consult later when I'm wondering what in the heck I was thinking when I made some decision. Talking to myself is way faster though, mostly because I'm not all obsessed with spelling things correctly and having the words in the correct order. When I write I have to stop and fix things on the pag...