Pastor Wesley Kan in Florida prepared the following article, I lifted it from Cyberbrethren : Lutherans and the Crucifix Protestants of all denominations seem to have one thing in common. They all love to make fun of Lutherans. One of my cousins, a Covenantal Calvinist, calls me "Catholic-light." Some of my friends call Lutherans, "the nuts that did not roll very far from the Roman tree." How odd that the very same Protestants do not hesitate to claim Martin Luther as their own by ignoring the embarrassing historical fact that their spiritual forefathers abandoned the Reformation to go off on their own and that the Luther they claim detested many of the heterodox beliefs they hold dear. The very term "Protestant Reformation" is oxymoronic, a result of historic revisionism. The truth is that there was "The Reformation" reluctantly led by Martin Luther and soon thereafter certain individuals abandoned and renounced the Reformation, there...