How old am I? I am "got up this morning, sneezed and pulled a muscle" old . Seriously, this is too much. I n response to this old age thing that is starting to annoy me I'm going back to the Paleo diet I was on for a short time a few years ago. It's been three days so far, today is day four, and I feel OK, other than pulling a muscle just sneezing. :-) So far I'm down 5 pounds and generally feel pretty good. Last time I tried this I did it sort of halfway, I never was really serious about it and I also did not pay attention to the lab results that told me to avoid: Gluten Dairy Eggs I said OK about the Gluten, for a while, but the cheese and the eggs? NO WAY! This time around I'm going all in, but I'm not thinking so much about what I can't have as just focusing on making what I can have taste good. I can eat any meats, fish, shellfish, fruits and vegetables. I'm not having any grains or legumes (beans), inc...