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Showing posts from February, 2021

Maximus in vestments.

Maximus had his first time serving in the Holy Place during Vespers tonight, he did really well, he was pretty nervous but he came through like a champ. His dad is going to be buying him shoes that don't flash light with every step this week. :-) Tiernan didn't understand why he could not go back in the Holy Place with his Dad and Maximus, you have to be 8 years old and "mature" enough to stand still and follow instructions.  He melted down big time.  After Vespers Abouna talked to him about it.


Suffering through another brutal winter day in NorCal. 😁


 How old am I?  I am "got up this morning, sneezed and pulled a muscle" old .   Seriously, this is too much.   I n response to this old age thing that is starting to annoy me I'm going back to the Paleo diet I was on for a short time a few years ago.  It's been three days so far, today is day four, and I feel OK, other than pulling a muscle just sneezing.  :-)  So far I'm down 5 pounds and generally feel pretty good.  Last time I tried this I did it sort of halfway, I never was really serious about it and I also did not pay attention to the lab results that told me to avoid: Gluten Dairy Eggs I said OK about the Gluten, for a while, but the cheese and the eggs?  NO WAY!  This time around I'm going all in, but I'm not thinking so much about what I can't have as just focusing on making what I can have taste good. I can eat any meats, fish, shellfish, fruits and vegetables.  I'm not having any grains or legumes (beans), inc...

Homeschooling group of St George

A new homeschooling group as started at St. George Church!  Woo Hoo! :-) This is Father Lent and Sister Lent, their eyes are closed in prayer, their hands are lifted in supplication and service, their mouths are closed for they are fasting.  They have Seven Feet with which to hasten toward Pascha! Will you go with them?    After each week of Lent you remove one of the feet, when they are all gone it is Pascha! Finished product is up at home.

The Encounter of the Lord

Last night we celebrated the great feast of the Encounter of the Lord, this is 40 days after the Feast of the Nativity when Mary and Joseph presented Jesus in the temple.  This is the hymn which Simeon uttered when he received the Child Jesus in his arms: “Master, now you are dismissing your servant in peace,     according to your word;  for my eyes have seen your salvation,      which you have prepared in the presence of all peoples,  a light for revelation to the Gentiles     and for glory to your people Israel.” Luke 2:29-32 There was also a special blessing of candles which we could take home and use in our prayer corners, I have a good stack of them now because for some reason I keep on using our emergency candles there instead of the blessed ones.  Bonus Tiernan cuteness from this morning :-)

Rearranging my room...

Thirsty boys