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Showing posts from November, 2012

Say it isn't so Pat!

I really hate it when Pat Robertson agrees with me on a subject, it makes me think I MUST be wrong!  Pat has it right here though, Earth is far older than 6,000 years.  :-) Pat Robertson: “If you fight science, you are going to lose your children” | Science | an blog

The Holidays are here! Yay?

Dear World, Someone asked "What does Thanksgiving mean to you?" and I answered: "It means the season of endless socializing events I can't get out of is starting up. Dinners and parties and constant chatter. It means trying to think about gifts for people. It is the start of the hated holiday season, season of overwhelming confusion and stress... I can't wait until it is over! New Years day though, marks the return to calm and normalcy, where I can avoid people and not be seen as a jerk, that is my holiday, when it's over anyway." I could have gone on with comments about the endless commercialized pressure to DO-BUY-SPEND etc. but it's mostly the forced nature of the thing that gets to me.  I can't opt out no matter how much I really want to, not without being called a Grinch or a Scrooge or just a jerk.  So I suffer through it all and try to be nice about it.  Even though by the end of December I'm ready to explode, or maybe melt down.  I...

Returning to Roots

Over the last year plus I have wandered far and wide in my mind and spirit.  I have gone from Lutheran to "Atheist" to Roman Catholic to wanting to be a "Generic Christian" and finally back to Lutheran again, back to where I began my life and where I intend to end it.  I can't go into all of the details of my thinking because it was not very logical at any point in the journey.  I did not actually go through a reasoned examination of my faith and make each of these rapid moves.  Instead what happened was that I got confused by the issues of creation and the first few chapters of Genesis.  In my confusion I first "felt" that I couldn't be a Christian if I found the first part of the Bible to be scientifically irrelevant.  So, following that feeling I sought rational reasons to reject theism.  Of course, if you start with the conclusion it's easy to find the supporting "evidence" you are looking for. God did not abandon me to this t...