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Class Dismissed (Unschooling)

Here is an article about unschooling in the UC Santa Cruz student paper, City on a Hill Press. It's pretty positive sounding I think. So far we, meaning Serenity, Lora and me, have been going in this direction for the most part. I make suggestions and Serenity either is interested so we follow up or she says she doesn't want to do that and we veer off into another direction for the time being.

That whole concept makes me pretty nervous though :-) How can this work out in "real life?" As if this isn't real life! As a result of my nervousness, I picked up the Five in a Row book so I could feel like I have some structure. We've only been using it for a couple of days so I can't say yet how that is going to work out, though I'm still following the same guidelines I set for myself earlier, if Serenity wants to go some direction other than the one I'm aiming at at the moment I try to switch to what it is she is wanting to know or do. I guess this isn't exactly "unschooling" but it's pretty unstructured. I guess this is eclectic homeschooling as some people have called it. We just pick and choose from what's out there and go with what seems to work today.

We bought a big set of Double Twelve dominoes the other day for fun and math practice. We've played a couple of games with them, but mostly set them up in interesting patterns and knock them over :-)

Yesterday Serenity and I went to TVE (Tri-Valley Explorers) Park day in Livermore for the third week in a row. She really enjoys her time there and the kids are all really nice. This afternoon we are going to go to a Game Day up in Alamo at the Round Table Pizza place there, that is another TVE group who meet up to play various board games. Serenity likes games so I thought we'd give it a try.


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